Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm Scared

Fear is a state of mind.

I've been trying to come out to my mom since my 18th birthday. She's loving. And caring. A wonderful mother who sacrificed so much for me. I am where I am because she provided the opportunities. Disappointing her is not an option. Or so I thought.

Hiding is tiresome. I'm exhausted. I'm scared.

Will she disown me? How will I survive if she does? What am I going to do?

These are the thoughts that weigh down my courage. She raised me with an open door policy. In seeing the failed parenting of my controlling aunts and uncles, she created an environment of honesty. Good or bad, all she asked for was the truth.

I owe her it. But most importantly I owe it to myself.


  1. I'm very proud of you. And she will be too, no matter what.

  2. Don't use fear to paralyze you but rather push you forward. We all support you Gabutoy.
