You shouldn't always have to compromise yourself for yourself--it's counterproductive and ironic. Giving up a part of you to gain another. I believe that you can have your cake and eat it too. Take a step back and ask what it is that you want or what will make you happy. We can get so caught up in trivial matters that we forget what it is that we work towards: happiness. Measure in happiness.
Remain true to yourself. Thinking that you want something is extremely different from knowing what you want. The mind is seasoned for reason and an alcoholic for logic. It tells us what's practical. The heart is you in the nude. It's raw, humble, and passionate. It never lies. It places you and your happiness above everything else. You don't always have to hold your head above your heart because that's the way it is anatomically.
If you make your life goals centered around success or wealth or power, you're basically wrapping dirt with a very thin sheet of gold. It's seemingly valuable, but worthless. Happiness may not lead to life of luxury, but it will lead to a luxurious life. And in the words of Wayland Henry,
"To live with purpose
To say the courageous thing
To celebrate the simple gift
To follow your dreams
This is a happy life."
This is so damn good. I kept nodding my head while I was reading. "The heart is you in the nude." This reminds me of a passage from The Alchemist, which by the way I still have your copy. Lol.